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GMick Smith
Strayer University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

For almost 18 years, G. Mick Smith, PhD was CIO at Smith Consulting where he assisted numerous clients in the Philadelphia-Valley Forge and Delaware Valley area. Prior to his consulting career at an Internet start-up, at universities, in several corporations, and a non-profit, he was a professor of humanities at Hahnemann University where he developed on online History of World Medicine course in 1994; and, in 1997, he earned a Distance Learning Administrator Certificate from Texas A&M University and the Center for Distance Learning Research. He recently completed two certificates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in their edX component, Design and Development of Educational Technology (2014) and Design and Development of Games for Learning (2015). In addition to his technology background, as an administrator, he earned two more certificates from the Jack Welch Management Institute: Creating a Winning Strategy (2015) and Becoming a Leader (2014).

Smith has published widely in gaming, educational technology, and in the history of computing, in addition to presenting academic papers at international, national, and regional conferences. His educational teaching runs the gamut, from universities to several private schools at the K-12 level. In addition, he publishes in Computing Reviews (of course!), as well as in Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, the Bryn Mawr Classical Journal, and the Medieval Review.

Smith earned his doctorate at UCLA in the history of religions and has been awarded two master’s degrees as well, one in history from UCLA and the other in historical theology from Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA). Also, he was a Johannes Quasten Scholar in Patristics from The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). He is currently campus dean at the Christiana, DE Strayer University site, and previously he served at the King of Prussia and the Center City, PA Strayer locations.


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