Computing Reviews

Digital business models :concepts, models, and the alphabet case study
Wirtz B., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2019. 247 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 06/22/20

Digital business models is a recent and welcome addition to Springer’s “Progress in IS” series.

Wirtz, the Chair for Information and Communication Management at the German University of Administrative Sciences, is a recognized authority. As such, he presents a business perspective on business models.

This textbook consists of 11 chapters organized as a sandwich. The bottom slice of bread is the first three chapters, which lay out the foundation for digital business models, the business model concept, and digital business. The meat in the middle is chapters 4 through 7, which explain digital business models in depth using the 4-C model: content, commerce, context, and connection. This is a useful way to organize and understand this detailed knowledge. Each of these chapters ends with a relevant case study: Wikipedia, eBay, Bing, and LinkedIn, respectively.

The toppings include the next two chapters: one on variations, hybrid business models and business-to-business (B2B) models, and one on business model innovation. They integrate what is known about business models with innovation management.

The top slice of bread is a chapter-length case study on Google/Alphabet. Since both Bing and now LinkedIn are digital products from Microsoft, one wonders if Microsoft also warrants a chapter-length case. A comprehensive list of references wraps things up.

Digital business models would be a tasty and satisfying meal for a graduate course in strategic management and information systems management, or as an appetizer in an undergraduate one.

Founders and entrepreneurs wanting more certainty about developing a successful digital business model from the start should read Teece and Linden [1], who address the question: “How can companies, especially in the digital realm, gain confidence that they are on a path to profitability when they launch a business?”

Enablers and advisors looking for guidance on how to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their digital transformation are referred to Müller and Hopf [2]. Nylén and Holmström [3] describe in detail an assessment framework for improving digital products and service innovation.

Professionals and consultants interested in applying these business model concepts are referred to a recent article, by Clare Naden of the International Standards Organization (ISO) [4], on emerging international standards for innovation management systems, tools and methods for innovation partnership, and guidance on innovation management assessment.


Teece, D.; Linden, G. Business models, value capture, and the digital enterprise. Journal of Organization Design 6, (2017), Article No. 8 .


Müller, E.; Hopf, H. Competence center for the digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises. Procedia Manufacturing 11, (2017), 1495–1500.


Nylén, C.; Holmström, J. Digital innovation strategy: a framework for diagnosing and improving digital product and service innovation. Business Horizons 58, (2015), 57–67.


Naden, C. Shape a new future with innovation management standards. ISO. Accessed 04/01/2020,

Reviewer:  Ernest Hughes Review #: CR146999 (2012-0284)

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