Computing Reviews

Engineering dynamics
To C., Morgan&Claypool Publishers,San Rafael, CA,2018. 189 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 01/17/19

This volume condenses the material usually covered in a one-semester undergraduate course on kinematics and dynamics. Dr. To provides an introduction to the topics by listing some relevant formulas along with easy-to-follow examples of how to apply them.

The book does not aim at providing a thorough explanation of how such formulas were derived, but it does a good job of offering a synthesis of kinematics and dynamics. The author starts by applying the basic principles of kinetics to single particles, and then introduces some basic dynamics concepts. Later on, he shows how these basic concepts apply to systems of particles and how the concepts can be extended to rigid bodies.

The book counts on many graphics to show readers how the variables in the formulas relate to the motions of single particles, rigid bodies, and systems of particles.

The book offers a neat synthesis of the main topics of an introductory mechanics course at the undergraduate level. It can be used as a quick reference guide.

Reviewer:  Carla Sánchez Aguilar Review #: CR146382 (1904-0110)

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