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Man-made women: the sexual politics of sex dolls and sex robots
Richardson K., Odlind C., Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, 2023. 212 pp. Type: Book (3031193806)
Date Reviewed: Mar 21 2024

People with unconventional or even perverse desires sometimes search for alternatives to real human beings. This has led to the development of sex dolls and sex robots, referred to as “man-made women” in this book. However alarming, this book is an attempt to discuss the “exploitation” of sex dolls and robots, as well as related issues and consequences.

Chapter 1 introduces sex dolls/robots, including their creation, materials, and uses or benefits, and discusses the campaign against porn robots. Chapter 2 starts with a discussion of Orpheus’ song “Pygmalion,” written by Ovid, and defines the term “self-objectification” as the process of turning oneself into an object. Moreover, it adds instances of extremely violent acts done to these sex dolls and robots, collectively calling them “pornbots.”

Chapter 3 identifies several virtual communities, online forums/blogs, and doll brothels, and explains that sex dolls/robots are often abused and raped. Chapter 4 describes male domination over women via various forms of marriage. It also discusses terms like pedophilia, paraphilia, fetishism, plushophilia, feederism, and transvestism.

Chapter 5 explains the representation of sex dolls and robots in the public space, explores the concept of the consent trap in sexual practices, and coins the term “psychephilia.” Chapter 6 suggests using the term “porn robot” instead of “sex robot,” defines the term “robosexuality,” and looks at extending human rights to robots. Chapter 7 highlights strong arguments against the justifications given by the pedophile community.

Chapter 8 discusses the concept of giving a voice to the sex dolls, thus transforming them into sex robots, which is an attempt to provide more human-like features. Moreover, it covers the proliferation of peep shows, including their online versions such as cam girls, OnlyFans, deepfakes, and so on. Concluding remarks are presented in the last chapter, which arguably is against the making, distribution, and use of sex dolls/robots. Chapter 9 clearly defines the meaning and usage of the word “sex” in various contexts.

This is an interesting read for lawmakers, philosophers, writers, and scholars who are working in the area of human rights. Having sex dolls/robots as an alternative to real/physical relations is an interesting argument that makes the book worth reading. Additional works on this topic include [1,2,3,4,5].

Reviewer:  Lalit Saxena Review #: CR147731
1) Roper, C. Sex dolls, robots and woman hating: the case for resistance. Spinifex Press, North Geelong, Australia, 2022.
2) Oleksy, T.; Wnuk, A. Do women perceive sex robots as threatening? The role of political views and presenting the robot as a female-vs male-friendly product. Computers in Human Behavior 117, (2021),
3) Strengers, Y.; Kennedy, J. The smart wife: why Siri, Alexa, and other smart home devices need a feminist reboot. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2020.
4) Hancock, E. Should society accept sex robots? Changing my perspective on sex robots through researching the future of intimacy. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 11, (2020),
5) Karaian, L. Plastic fantastic: sex robots and/as sexual fantasy. Sexualities 27, (2024), 633-652,
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