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February 18, 2025

Raising robots to be good: a practical foray into the art and science of machine ethics
To quote T. S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” [1]: “HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME.” Raising robots to be good: a practical foray into the art and science of machine ethics is a timely and critical rethink of life and work in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) [2,3]. The book consists of... more
Today two seemingly different conceptions of science seem to combat one another—science as technical, practical, professional knowledge... more
- Martin Heidegger (1959)
Embodied and dialogical basis for understanding humans with information: a sustainable view: JASIST

Anna Suorsa’s paper explores human-information interactions (HIIs) through hermeneutic phenomenology, emphasizing embodiment, dialogicality, and temporality. Drawing from Alfred Schutz’s... more

Computers & Society (K.4) | Feb 10 25

AI should challenge, not obey: Communications of the ACM

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize how we learn and work, Sarkar questions whether the way we are leveraging AI as an assistant that efficiently completes tasks is the right one. In this article, Sarkar argues for AI’s... more

Ethics (K.4.1...) | Feb 5 25

Mapping the ethics of generative AI: a comprehensive scoping review: Minds and Machines

The advent of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has seen much debate in academic and professional circles of late, as well as significant hype in public media and heated discussion on social media. Much of this attention has been negative and focused on its... more

Ethics (K.4.1...) | Feb 4 25

Weighted synchronous automata: Mathematical Structures in Computer Science

The theory of finite automata (FA) is extensively studied, while Zadeh’s sets and fuzzy logic address real-world scenarios. This paper formalizes fuzzy automata’s behavior in dealing with uncertainty and vagueness inherent to... more

Mathematics of Computing (G) | Feb 3 25

New computer evaluation metrics for a changing world: Communications of the ACM

The sheer number of artificial intelligence (AI) applications and increasing demand for cloud computing technologies require effective plans for coping with requests related to computing resources. But how should managers of humongous data centers... more

Hardware (K.2...) | Jan 15 25

Towards combining commonsense reasoning and knowledge acquisition to guide deep learning: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

In artificial intelligence (AI), commonsense reasoning refers to the ability to make assumptions about the characteristics and nature of everyday situations, similar to how humans perceive and interpret them. For... more

Learning (I.2.6) | Jan 13 25

Explainability is not a game: Communications of the ACM

The increasing application of artificial intelligence (AI) in real-life decisions--from birth to death, from economic survival to irrecoverable debts by nations, from peace to war times and military manpower mobilization [1]--requires highly reliable machine learning (ML) algorithms. But how should creators of future... more

General (I.2.0) | Dec 27 24

Meta-learning approaches for few-shot learning: a survey of recent advances: ACM Computing Surveys

Gharoun et al. provide a comprehensive overview of meta-learning techniques, with a focus on how these methods facilitate learning from limited data (few-shot learning, FSL). They... more

General (I.2.0) | Dec 20 24

The science of detecting LLM-generated text: Communications of the ACM

While artificial intelligence (AI) applications for natural language processing (NLP) are no longer something new or unexpected, nobody can deny the revolution and hype that started, in late 2022, with the announcement of the first public version of ChatGPT. By then... more

Natural Language (H.5.2...) | Dec 16 24

Adopting and sustaining microservice-based software development: Communications of the ACM

When a new software development paradigm appears, eager potential adopters often rush into it, not knowing what they do not know. Microservice-based software development is one of the latest hot ideas in the... more

Software Development (K.6.3...) | Dec 13 24

AI for designers

This helpful book shows readers how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the design process. It gives designers practical ideas on how to use AI tools in their work, and explains the basics of AI and how it can be applied in real-life design tasks. It is an important read... more
General (I.2.0) | Feb 17 25

Hands-on large language models

This book combines theory and practice about large language models (LLMs). It includes three parts. Part 1, “Understanding Language Models,” covers how LLMs work, including their inner structures and workings. It also explains two central components of these... more
Language Models (I.2.7...) | Feb 14 25

Cyber threat intelligence

Lee’s comprehensive guide to the intricacies of cyber threat intelligence delves into the history, terminology, and techniques of cybersecurity, providing an expansive overview of cyberattacks. The book encourages readers to approach their cybersecurity issues from a threat intelligence perspective. The book presents... more
Security & Protection (K.6.5) | Feb 13 25

Calculus for the natural sciences

Helfgott’s textbook aims to provide first-year students in mathematics, engineering, and natural sciences with the fundamentals of calculus and its application in other sciences, including biology, chemistry, and physics. He includes many examples, and step-by-step... more
Math (I.7.2...) | Feb 12 25

Means of control: how the hidden alliance of tech and government Is creating a new American surveillance state

This is a clear and powerful book about how technology and government work together. It explains how this partnership watches and controls people in new ways, and asks big questions... more
Government (J.1...) | Feb 11 25

Raising robots to be good: a practical foray into the art and science of machine ethics

To quote T. S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” [1]: “HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME.” Raising robots to be good: a practical foray into the art and science of machine ethics is a timely and critical rethink of life and work in the age of AI [2,3]. The book consists of nine chapters... more
Ethics (K.4.1...) | Feb 7 25

Parallel programming with C# and .NET: fundamentals of concurrency and asynchrony behind fast-paced application

Parallel computing and programming are two of the most fundamental yet most difficult challenges in software design and execution. Sarcar’s book on parallel programming does a great job of presenting the... more
Parallel Programming (D.1.3...) | Jan 29 25

Artificial intelligence and human evolution: contextualizing AI in human history

Artificial intelligence and human evolution is a profound and enlightening exploration of the interplay between artificial intelligence (AI) and human evolution. It offers a comprehensive overview that spans the origins of life, the evolution of species, the development of... more
History of Computing (K.2) | Jan 27 25

Formal verification of structurally complex multipliers

Any reader familiar with computer organization knows the importance of the motherboard, the digital circuit for arithmetic logic units (ALUs), and the multiplier circuit for multiplying numbers. The subject of this book is verifying multiplier circuits. Specifically, it... more
Math (I.7.2...) | Jan 24 25

Longevity hubs: regional innovation for global aging

This is a book about innovating innovation. It posits a growing human need and purpose: “building a better world for aging adults and their loved ones.” Longevity hubs is divided into three parts. The preface and introduction explain the emergence and recognition of senior citizens... more
General (K.4.0) | Jan 23 25

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